To the editor:

I was pleased to see your editorial of January 6 (”Energy bill deserves attention”) about a climate solution that might be acceptable to both parties and effectively reduce global warming.

The nonpartisan organization Citizens’ Climate Lobby has worked tirelessly on legislation for a fossil fuel pollution fee, with a substantial share of revenue used to protect low- and middle-income people from rising prices. I do not know all the pros and cons about this act; however, I do know that the issue of our planet’s health needs to be addressed. I have been educating myself and my community about climate change and what actions we can take to care for our earth home. We are now learning of the harmful impacts plastics have on the world and our own health. Both the production and disposal of plastics are causing serious pollution problems contributing to further global warming.

Thank you, Register-Star, for calling on legislators to no longer let the issue “languish,” but to get down to the very important business of taking climate change seriously. I’m hopeful that my own Representative, Marc Molinaro, and his colleagues will work together to give this issue the attention it deserves.

Nancy Pienta


Johnson Newspapers 7.1
